Work Based Learning » About


Work-based learning, formerly structured learning experiences (SLE) are aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). WBL provides the opportunity for the student to experience work-based learning in a career setting that they are studying providing them with exposure to real world experiences beyond the classroom. Students can apply to participate in work based learning their senior year. Students may explore potential opportunities and discuss career exploration interests in their junior year.

These experiences are designed to assist students to more fully:

  • Clarify career goals and interests
  • Explore career possibilities
  • Develop and use employability skills
  • Demonstrate and apply high level academic and technical skills related to their CTE Program
  • Ease the transition between high school and employment and/or post secondary education
  • Enhance career readiness

Work-based learning may include but is not limited to job shadowing, internships, cooperative education experiences and pre apprenticeships.