Athletics » Parent Information

Parent Information


Pursuant to the Atlantic County Vocational Technical School District (ACVSD) Board Policy, all students participating in extracurricular activities must use ACIT transportation. However, exceptions can be made in extenuating circumstances on an individual basis. The form below MUST be submitted to the team coach at least 24 hours prior to the event and approved by the Athletic Director or Vice Principal. If a student is being transported by another parent, both the student’s parent and the parent transporting the student must complete the document.  Please click the link for the Parent Transportation Request form below.


Parenting and coaching are both extremely difficult vocations.  It is our hope that by establishing an understanding of each position we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a greater benefit to your children and our student-athletes.  Please read our Guide for Parent / Coach Communication brochure, which outlines expectations and the appropriate procedures for discussing concerns, by clicking the link for the Parent Communication Brochure below.